All artworks have been created using data from the game "Unreal Tournament".
Each image represents about 30 mins of gameplay in which the computers AI plays against itself, there are 20-25 bots playing each game.
The Bots play custom maps I create. Each map has been pathed so that the bots have a rough idea of where to go in order to create the image I want.
I log the position (X,Y,Z) of each player each second using a mutator I created, I also log the position of a death. I then run my own code written in processing to create postscript files of that match.
Every image represents 1 full game, and the position of the dots or lines reflects the position of a player at a given time. |
Bot Pathing?
Bot pathing is used in the game as a way of making a Non-Human player act more intelligently when moving around the map.
The paths would usually lead a bot to an important area or guns and ammo.
Bots do not have to stick to the paths, in fact the skill level of the bots directly effects how closely a bot will follow the path.
A "godlike" bot will stray freely from the paths to position themselves better when in combat.
A "novice" bot will never deviate from the path unless its being shot off it.